Vincent Moretti 24-23 51
David Lagos 19-13 59
Timothy Larkin Jr. 21-16 57
NCAAF Sports Picks
[ Vincent Moretti ]      Chicago @ Kansas City: Over 9 (-114)  Loss      San Diego @ Baltimore: San Diego +1.5 (-125)  Win      San Diego @ Baltimore: Over 9 (-127)  Win      Washington @ St. Louis: Washington +1.5 (-189)  Win      Cincinnati @ Tampa Bay: Tampa Bay -109  Loss      Cleveland @ Philadelphia: Philadelphia -1.5 (+116)  Loss      Minnesota @ Detroit: Minnesota -1.5 (+103)  Win      |      [ David Lagos ]      New York @ Boston: New York -1.5 (+119)  Loss      Miami @ Milwaukee: Over 7.5 (-122)  Win      Seattle @ Chicago: Under 7 (-114)  Loss      Chicago @ Kansas City: Kansas City -1.5 (+135)  Win      Pittsburgh @ Arizona: Arizona -172  Win      Los Angeles @ Houston: Under 8 (-111)  Win      |      [ Timothy Larkin Jr. ]      Washington @ St. Louis: St. Louis -147  Loss      Oakland @ Los Angeles: Under 9 (-108)  Push      Cincinnati @ Tampa Bay: Cincinnati -1.5 (+151)  Loss      Atlanta @ New York: New York +1.5 (-185)  Win      Cleveland @ Philadelphia: Under 8 (-108)  Win      New York @ Boston: Boston +107  Win      Oakland @ Los Angeles: Oakland -1.5 (+116)  Loss
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