Vincent Moretti 24-23 51
David Lagos 19-13 59
Timothy Larkin Jr. 21-16 57
NBA Sports Picks
[ Vincent Moretti ]      Chicago @ Kansas City: Over 9 (-114)  Loss      San Diego @ Baltimore: San Diego +1.5 (-125)  Win      San Diego @ Baltimore: Over 9 (-127)  Win      Washington @ St. Louis: Washington +1.5 (-189)  Win      Cincinnati @ Tampa Bay: Tampa Bay -109  Loss      Cleveland @ Philadelphia: Philadelphia -1.5 (+116)  Loss      Minnesota @ Detroit: Minnesota -1.5 (+103)  Win      |      [ David Lagos ]      New York @ Boston: New York -1.5 (+119)  Loss      Miami @ Milwaukee: Over 7.5 (-122)  Win      Seattle @ Chicago: Under 7 (-114)  Loss      Chicago @ Kansas City: Kansas City -1.5 (+135)  Win      Pittsburgh @ Arizona: Arizona -172  Win      Los Angeles @ Houston: Under 8 (-111)  Win      |      [ Timothy Larkin Jr. ]      Washington @ St. Louis: St. Louis -147  Loss      Oakland @ Los Angeles: Under 9 (-108)  Push      Cincinnati @ Tampa Bay: Cincinnati -1.5 (+151)  Loss      Atlanta @ New York: New York +1.5 (-185)  Win      Cleveland @ Philadelphia: Under 8 (-108)  Win      New York @ Boston: Boston +107  Win      Oakland @ Los Angeles: Oakland -1.5 (+116)  Loss
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How to Bet NFL Football

There is little doubt among the betting world that NFL is where the sportsbooks see the most action and make the most money.  This is the reason why bettors need expert sports advice; to help beat the books not pad their pockets.  The NFL possesses betting friendly attributes that are unlike any of the other major sports. First, there are relatively few teams to keep track of compared to college football or college basketball. Second, NFL teams play only once a week which makes staying on top of the results much easier than it is in the daily leagues such as the NBA, NHL, and MLB.  The oddsmakers prey on the novice football bettor who tends to favor their hometown team as added excitement to watch the game but you need to steer clear from your heart and go with your gut.
Understanding the action on games is just as important as understanding which teams are playing the games. The market at times will dictate price, which in the betting world means the oddsmakers cater to the public rather than reality.  The Las Vegas Sports Consultants jobs are to know each NFL team inside and out as part of our handicapping model.  At times our experts place a higher premium on public reaction than on the fundamentals. This strategy dictates playing dogs and/or lesser competent teams, or teams the public wants nothing to do with. This sometimes requires fading the teams Vegas wants you to bet on.  
Each year our staff at Cashin’ Tickets must objectively look at each team during the preseason for the upcoming season.  The days of teams staying in tact for years creating dynasties are gone and each year teams draft and acquire new players providing a different team dynamic than the previous season.  This is a small reason why the public has so much trouble betting NFL because there are certain stigmas attached to particular teams that just don’t hold true from the previous year.  
The past five seasons the road team has covered 58% of the time in Week 1.   The public at large has a tendency to overvalue home teams and this is especially true in Week 1 when there is no current season data to pull predictions. Oddsmakers will shade the home team in Week 1 making the road team a good value for the bettor.  You want to give the road teams a hard look during Week 1 action where anything can happen in the first week as teams get comfortable with their players.
The NFL season is one of the most anticipated in all of pro sports and can be enjoyable to sit down and watch the games on Sunday and Monday.  Don’t make the same betting mistakes you made last year and enlist the help of a professional to get you through the season on a positive not a negative.